Give World Peace a Hop

Give World Peace a Hop

I started practicing Transcendental Meditation in 2007. Over the years I have more or less consistent in my twice a day practice depending on hospital doings and the age of my children.

When I received my mantra I also learned about the TM-Sidhi program. It is the pinnacle of a series of advanced TM techniques - culminating in the practitioners being able to do yogic flying. A whole group of Sidhas flying together has been proved to increase coherence for the society at large.* This coherence creating effect is called the Maharishi Effect.

So it is a two-fer. I get to replug myself daily, swim in the world of Pure Consciousness, and do yogic flying. Secondly, if I do my program with a group - we are creating peace for everyone around us.

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ACIM Review V vs the media frenzy in my head

This morning we were on our walk and I was sharing an article I read to W. The article is about the American scientists who have graduated from the CDC Epidemic Intelligent Service and the role these experts have played (or not) in our recent societal adventure. For weeks we have been discussing where the leaders are on what has been happening, what the plan is, how crazy this all is (here is my favorite take on that particular rabbit hole). Then I dip into some theories about the Gates Foundation, the WHO, microchipping, and mandatory vaccines. The frenzy in my head gets louder and louder - then I read my ACIM for today.

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Conspiracy vs Fuckup - thank you Dad

Conspiracy vs Fuckup - thank you Dad

My amazing father, whose memory now darts in and out of the conversations like a hummingbird, had a saying when he worked for the Federal Government. He spent his whole life after law school nudging the tail of the elephant to do good as a bureaucrat in the Executive Branch. One of his colleagues shared his saying with my sister and me when we became old enough, namely:

“Given a choice between a conspiracy and a fuckup, always choose a fuckup.”

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Labels, Boxes, and Stories ... Oh My!

Labels, Boxes, and Stories ... Oh My!

The Dragon is learning to name everything. All day, “Momma, wha dat?” and he points. People and machines mostly, he is not asking about plants or the clouds. He is learning to name because we that is the way our language functions. He is learning to name because he is separating himself as an autonomous human being and giving shape to his personality through language.

In order to name something you are placing a label upon it - a label that can often morph into a box shored up with accompanying stories. This is a glass. A glass is to drink liquid out of us, usually they are fragile.

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Post death God immersion integration, thank you A Course in Miracles!

So, obviously, the evening of May 7 was really an experience beyond words. Initially, I was euphoric. Totally high, in love with the world, experiencing the gift of oneness and in awe of what happened.

As the experience lost its immediacy and tactile sharpness - I spent time mourning the shift. But then, the Universe did something amazing (not that I am surprised).

I started receiving nudges reinforcing what happened - during a yoga class, or a conversation, or in my A Course in Miracles (ACIM) reading. Nudges that strengthened what I had seen or learned or understood (again, words are hard).

Here are the nudges I received from ACIM over the last 6 weeks or so. Nudges that led me to share my story.

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A wheatgrass machine sounds like a cow (und scan update, und A Course in Miracles...)

I know this sounds naive, but I have never stood next to a cow in the silence of a quiet field and listened to it tear up grass and chew. My first thought was, "that sounds like a wheatgrass machine," my second thought was, "maybe we should give nature first dibs on sounds - a wheatgrass machine sounds like a cow." 

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