Teaching Kundalini - Thank you Universe!

Yogi Bhajan said, "I have come to create teachers, not to gather students." Okay, I remember thinking when I started teacher training, good for you - but no thanks.

I thought doing a year of Kundalini Teacher Training would be a great gift to myself during my year of "living in the question." I did not think I wanted to teach. 

But then, and I know this sounds cheesy, I have been so blown away by what I experienced during this year that I want to share! I want to share.

The Universe is amazing and I am sharing. 

I am teaching on Tuesday mornings at studio where I took my training, Sacred Space at Metta. Being a teacher means that part of my teacher commitment is doing my own Sadhana (self-practice) every day, something I never thought I would be able to manage/organize/commit to/etc. 

I am reading Donna Farhi's amazing book, Bringing Yoga to Life, and she talks about what happens when you dedicate yourself to a daily practice. She uses the visual of a basket. That your daily practice constructs a container for your life to bounce around within instead of bouncing all over the place. That one does something every day even when one is tired, not in the mood, upset about whatever, etc brings a focus and an energy to that person's life that cannot be created any other way.

So I practice and I am sharing this practice. Thank you Universe for this opportunity.