Letter to my children: Yes, Your Mother is a Hypocrite. We all are.

“Why did that man leave his truck running?” The Bean looked affronted.

“I asked him if he could not idle his engine while he talks to your father - he told me that otherwise he cooks like a sardine in there and he needs the air conditioning.”

“Why doesn’t he open a window? His engine hurts the earth.” Outrage and disbelief sharpened her tone and her eyes.

Oh no, Corinna, own this.

“Beloved, I hear that, but you know what else hurts the earth? Cheese that we have in our refrigerator. It is from France. It came over on a big boat and used lots of food miles to get here.”

“Wait, what?” Bean’s accusing eyed turned to me.

“Yup, the olive oil, cheese, bananas, and dried mango we have in our kitchen right now are all transported on those huge ships that are absolutely terrible for the planet. So we are hurting the earth too. We are just doing it differently than he is.”

“He still shouldn’t run his car just so he can be more comfortable when there are people with no electricity.”

“I know my dear, but judging him that way falls into the category of “The other person is you.”* We are all doing the best we can within the world we live in.”

“Besides, I like that cheese from France.”

“And there, my Bean, is exactly the issue.”

“But we can choose to not keep our cars running.”

“And your mother will continue to be that person who asks people to turn off their idling car.”

My dearest Beloveds, as I have said before, we are all hypocrites when it comes to the environment. Most people we know claim concern for the environment - but we all knowingly act against that claim.

For your mother, asking someone to stop idling their car falls into the category of me using my Big Voice to speak for the needs of Mother Earth. But the man could have very easily asked me why I purchase bananas and live on lots of land.


Whether it be food miles, car emissions, vacation flights, how much meat you eat, what size house you live in, whether you participate in fast fashion, what you do with your waste, whether you avoid single use plastic… on and on and on.

Each one of those topics is an opportunity for personal responsibility and an opportunity to judge our fellow human.

Judgements are ways your Cranky Monster tries to create separation from another person. But don’t fall for that easy trap. The First Sutra of the Aquarian Age is “the other person is you.”

Do you best with the information available and don’t judge the other person.

The only thing you can do is vote with your wallet, speak up when feeling a niggle to do so (marching or protesting falls into this category), and stay optimistic.

We are all doing the best we can given the desire for comfort and the awareness of the planet. Hopefully, it is enough.

For your children’s sake. I really hope so.

*The Five Sutras of the Aquarian Age

  1. Recognize that the other person is you.

  2. There is a way through every block.

  3. When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.

  4. Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.

  5. Vibrate the Cosmos. The Cosmos shall clear the path.